An average of 150,000 tourists, coming from cruise ships from various cities of Brazil and the world, circulate in the Maritime Passenger Terminal of the Port of Salvador per season.
These are hundreds of thousands of Brazilians and foreigners who land in the city of Salvador eager to see the local beauties, but also to enjoy the facilities and services offered by the market.
Além disso, a localização privilegiada, no coração da cidade, aliada às características das instalações, modernas e qualificadas, complementam as razões que fazem do terminal um excelente local para veiculação de marcas, produtos e serviços. In addition, the privileged location, in the heart of the city, combined with the characteristics of the modern and qualified facilities, make te Terminal an excellent place to broadcast brands, products and services.
Don’t waste time, contact us and discover the possibilities of announcing with us!
Telefone: (71) 3901-3670